Host an Event or Fundraiser
Want to host a party, benefit, or fundraiser for MTN?
Awesome! We really appreciate your interest in supporting our work. This page is a toolkit to help you do that more easily and effectively. Included blow are answers to many of the frequently asked questions we get from individuals and groups hoping to fundraise for us.
What are all of MaineTransNet’s Social Accounts? Can we tag them?
Yes please! Tagging us in these posts is often how we find out about your efforts, and it makes it that much easier for us to share information about it.
Facebook: @mainetransnet
Instagram: @mainetransnet
Twitter: @mainetransnet
Tiltify: MaineTransNet on Tiltify
Linkedin: linkedin.com/company/mainetransnet
Will MTN promote my fundraiser or event?
Depends. We love promoting these events. Not just because we appreciate the support, but because it gives our community more safe social events to attend. That said, we believe in doing our due diligence before we agree to promote anything, and we generally don’t promote events that we feel are primarily aimed at promoting an individual. Also, due to how many youth and people in recovery we have in our work, we are cautious about promoting events where alcohol consumption is central to the experience.
Can I get logos and other branding materials?
Sure thing! You should be able to find all of that here.
What about your work should I talk about?
Most people like to raise funds for either our general fund, which supports all of our programs like support groups, or our name change fund, which helps low income transgender Mainers to change their names and gender markers. We suggest you choose one of these, and mention some of the following.
Name Change Fund: MaineTransNet’s name change fund helps low income transgender Mainers to legally change their names and update their gender markers. MaineTransNet pays for the full cost of the name or document change, helps with gathering and completing paperwork, and handles communication with county probate courts. Name Changes in Maine cost a minimum of $80 to $100, and some cost a great deal more.
Having your legal documents and ID’s isn’t just a matter of validation for transgender people, it is also one of safety. Inconsistencies between IDs, documents, and appearance, are often how trans people are outed, which can result in discrimination, violence, and loss of housing and employment.
General Fund: Choose this option if you want to raise funds for MTN’s broader mission of supporting and empowering transgender people to create a world where they can thrive.
Founded in 2005, MaineTransNet is Maine’s sole organization specifically dedicated to supporting transgender people, those who love them, and those who care for them. We offer a network of peer support groups that stretches from Kittery to Presque Isle, and Farmington to Machias. We are working to make a Maine where all trans people have at least one place in their life where it is safe to be themselves. Many of our support groups are in rural communities, where social isolation is a leading contributor to the high rates of attempted suicide our community faces.
In addition to support groups, we also train dozens of medical, mental health, and social service providers every year to ensure trans Mainers have access to culturally competent, gender affirming care in every county. We also work with schools during diversity days, and provide sexual wellness education to trans youth and their parents and teachers.
Since 2018, we’ve invested considerable resources into addressing the impact of sexual and domestic violence in our community. This includes a full time staff position dedicated to supporting the at least half of our community who have experienced this violence, and working with local resource centers to improve their services to our community.
Anything you don’t want us to say?
A few things, if you please:
Because of our nonprofit status, we are not allowed to participate in partisan politics. We’d appreciate not being connected to anything directly promoting a particular candidate for elected office.
Anything that promotes policing, police, or law enforcement
Images of substance use, particularly alcohol
Anything that is not inline with our values rooted in solidarity, kindness, mutual aid, and a grassroots movement against systemic oppression.
Anything that comments on a person’s body or appearance in any way beyond complimenting attributes within their personal control.
The phrase, “trans brothers and sisters." We suggest saying '‘trans friends and neighbors” instead.
Any other messaging things we should be aware of?
If you’re new to talking and writing about trans issues, we suggest reading over this guide.
Logistics and Money
Can someone from MTN come to our event? Who should we tell that we are planning something?
Possibly! It will depend a bit on the availability of our team, and where/when/and what your event is. Regardless, we want to know it’s happening. You can send us a note at info@mainetransnet.org and a member of our staff will be in touch.
Where should we send the money? Who should we make a check out to?
Please make checks payable to “Maine Transgender Network INC.” and send them to the address below:
15 Casco St
Portland, ME, 04101
We also appreciate it if you include a note with the check telling us where it came from so we can record it, and thank you properly! You can also simply donate the funds through our Donate page.
But I have cash
Email our Co-Executive Director Bre Kidman, and they will arrange a hand off with you. You can reach Bre at Bre@mainetransnet.org.