Our Advocacy Work
As the sole organization in Maine specifically dedicated to supporting transgender people and those who love and care for us, MaineTransNet plays a vital role in advocacy work on issues that directly affect gender diverse people in our state. Our advocacy includes work at the Federal, State, and Municipal levels, but is largely concentrated on working with the Maine legislature and participating in administrative rule-making.
Our top priority is advocating for issues that directly impact transgender Mainers. This includes issue areas such as:
Laws and regulations about legal documentation, name changes, and gender markers
Laws and regulations concerning insurance coverage for gender affirming healthcare
Laws and regulations affecting transgender people’s experiences interacting with institutions such as schools, businesses, government agencies, jails and prisons, hospitals etc.
Nondiscrimination protections
More broadly, MaineTransNet approaches advocacy work through the lens of our anti-oppressive work and values and supports legislation that furthers those values and improves the lives of Mainers disproportionately impacted by systemic oppression. This includes advocating for:
Economic justice including increased wages, expanded healthcare services, fair housing, and expanding our social safety net
Mental health reform
Prison abolition
Racial justice and anti-racist policies
Indigenous sovereignty and Land Back initiatives
Harm reduction approaches to substance use
Anti-violence work
A consistent voice for transgender Mainers in the legislature.
MaineTransNet is an active voice in the Maine Legislature for transgender and gender diverse Mainers. Our priority bills, identified by our various work teams and coalitions, address a variety of concerns for trans Mainers. If you’d like to get involved, email our ED bre@mainetransnet.org to set up a meeting!